Çoğunlukla İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve devamında ve çoğunlukla Amerikan ordusundaki erat tarafından geliştirilmiş durum belirlemesi yapan kısaltmalar. Bazılarını bilirsiniz fakat, muharebede düşebileceğiniz sonsuz miktardaki kötü durumunlar arasındaki küçük farkları iyi tasvir edebilmek için herhalde bu kadar çok varyant gerekiyor. Ayrıca "fuck" kelimesinden bu kadar çok permütasyon çıkartabilen bir halkı da takdir etmek lazım.
* AMF - Adios Mother Fucker* AMFYOYO - Adios Mother Fucker, You're On Your Own (from urbandictionary.com: "Informal medical acronym used to describe belligerent patients who argue and refuse treatment.")
* AMFOTDYOYO - Adios Mother Fucker, Out The Door, You're On Your Own (from urbandictionary.com: "Similar to, but more complete than AMF YOYO")
* BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again
* BOHIC - Bend Over Here It Comes
* DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Shit
* DILLIGAF - Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck
* DILLIGAFF - Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Fuck
* FIDO - Fuck It-Drive On
* FISHDO (FISHiDO) - Fuck It, Shit Happens - Drive On
* FIFI - Fuck It-Fly It
* FIGMO - Fuck It, Got My Orders
* FIIGO - Fuck It, I've Got Orders
* FNG - Fucking New Guy (used for all new people in a squad.)
* FUBAB - Fucked Up Beyond All Belief
* FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief
* FUBISO - Fuck You Buddy, I'm Shipping Out
* FUBU - Fucked Up Beyond Understanding
* FUGAZI - Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In
* FUMTU - Fucked Up More Than Usual
* HNIC - Head Nigger in Charge
* HMFIC - Head Mother Fucker in Charge
* JAFO - Just Another Fucking Observer (guy who sits in the back of the vehicle)
* JANFU - Joint Army-Navy Fuck Up
* KMACYOYO - Kiss My Ass Colonel, You're On Your Own
* LJFL - Lovely, Just Fucking Lovely
* LLMF - Lost Like a Mother Fucker
* SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
* SNAFUBAR - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition/Reason
* SOL - Shit Out of Luck
* FUUSAB - Fucked Up Until Space And Beyond
* REMF - Rear Echelon Mother Fucker
* SRDH - Shit Rolls Down Hill
* SSDD - Same Shit, Different Day
* SUSFU - Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up
* TARFU - Things Are Really Fucked Up, or Totally and Royally Fucked Up
* TAUFU - Totally And Utterly Fucked Up
* IHELP - I've had enough of life pill.
* NFG - No Fucking Good (Non-Functioning Gear)
* WTF - What the Fuck? - Spoke using the military phonetic alphabet as "whiskey, tango, foxtrot", often used as a rhetorical question.
* WTFO - What the Fuck? OVER. - Spoken using military phonetic alphabet over the radio, or other communications system, as "whiskey, tango, foxtrot, OVER", a statement of disbelief, or as a rhetorical question expecting a response. Often used by Air Force personnel.
Similar constructs from the radio phonetic alphabet include:
* Charlie Foxtrot - C and F, meaning Cluster Fuck
* Delta India Delta - D I D, meaning Dick In the Dirt (dead)
* Tango Uniform - T U, or Tits Up (dead or wounded)
* Tango Bravo - T and B meaning TaliBan
"Çok da fifi" ifadesinin kökleri buraya dayanıyor olabilir ;) Ayrıca Marrilion'un Fugazi albümü de ne güzeldir, üzerinden 25 sene geçmiş...