Guy Fawkes (özel isim); tarihte bilinen ilk intahar bombacısı, vatan haini, ezilen halkların baş kaldıran neferi, asker, sisteme ve emperyalizme baş kaldırmanın sembolü, meçhulün yüzü, Yorshire'ın hayırlı evladı, IMF (Imposible Mission Force değil) korkulu rüyası, 2002'de BBC'nin yaptığı bir ankete göre 30'uncu "Greatest Briton", Avustralya'da bir nehir ve bir de parkın ismi.
5 Kasım akşamında, çabaları ve yakalanmasını kutluyoruz. Rahmetlinin toprağı bol, ruhu şaad olsun.
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of* no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd (or by God's mercy*)
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring. (Holla*)
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of* no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd (or by God's mercy*)
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring. (Holla*)
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Vi veri veniversum vivus vici!